About Us

About Us

The Mission of Open Arms Learning and Development Center is to equip its students Spiritually, Academically, and Physically to fulfill God's purpose in their lives.

You have in trusted your child with Open Arms Learning and Development Center not by choice but by faith. Concern parents are realizing that the public school system is not teaching the basic skills to enhance our children education. Responsible parents wishes are that their children get a firm understand of life and Christian values while mingling within a christan learning atmosphere. Optimistic parent’s goals are to embark on new foundation of growth and understanding for their childrens' future by embracing a christian learning foundation with core foucs on God's word.
There are various reason why parents choose Christian schools over public schools. Our primarily goal is to teach the children about lifes core value with concentration on God word as he reveals them in the Bible. We hold that the spiritual part of man is to be foremost in his education. We exiest Our secondarily goal is to offer your child a solid academic education. Open Arms promise is to maintaining high academic goals at each grade level to ensure strong accountablity for your child. All of our teachers are dedicated to giving your child good academic training with a God-centered approach. Every subject will be taught from a God-honoring focus in complete agreement with the Bible.

Open Arms Learning and Development Center operates with a traditional philosophy towards education. By traditional education, we hold:
*That the teacher is in charge of the classroom.
*That the teacher is responsible for providing a structured
atmosphere to ensure a standard learning environment.
*That homework is assigned regularly and incompleted is unacceptable.
*That our instruction is God's word, teaching spiritual truths, morality,and patriotism.
*That reading is taught by phonics or hands on.
*That each staff is professinal and conservative with focus on your child.
*That all Biblical principles are current and scripture giving for further research.
*That God's word is the foundation and truth.
We hold that Christian education is a mandate from God for the family (Mat. 28:18-20). Because of scripture verses like Proverbs 19:27, 22:6 Deut. 6:5-9, and Col. 2:8, we feel that we must provide an atmosphere more conducive to the precepts of the Bible.


 Teacher Qualifications

We believe that teachers are the most important ingredient in a quality education; Open Arms Learning and Development Center strives on hiring teachers that are of the highest spiritual and academic standards. Each teacher meets teaching Certifications standards. Each teacher is a Christian and is committed to the will of God in their lives. They teach at Open Arms Learning and Development center because they feel it is God's will that they teach.

Admissions Policy

Open Arms Learning and Develpment Center does not discriminate, on the bases of race, color, national or ethnic origin, in administration of its admission, educational and atheltics policies, and other school-administered programs.